AFB Accelerator Pump

Carter AFB Carburetor Parts

Replacement Pumps

We stock a variety of accelerator pumps for the Carter AFB carburetors. Matching your carburetor number is the safest way to identify the correct pump. The number will be located on a tag under one of the float bowl screws. It is also stamped into one of the flange feet.

AFB Carburetor Identification

If you can’t locate that number, the next best option is to match the current pump to the replacement. Look at the style of the pump and match the cap diameter and overall length.


Note: there are a few accelerator pumps that are not available outside of a rebuild kit. If you need assistance identifying your pump, please contact us directly.



You’ll also find replacement springs and retainers on the pump page.



Hesitation can be caused by electrical problems (usually the distributor), as well as by the carburetor accelerator pump circuit. Tutorial in the video below:

How the Accelerator Pump Work

Additional diagnosis in order of probability:

  • Discharge needle is not properly seated; tap with a punch and hammer, then test by holding down needle with punch while accel. pump is manually depressed.
  • Pump plunger is defective. If pump plunger goes down but no fuel escapes past needle in above test, plunger is bad. (We see this with new pumps more often than you might think!)
  • Pump springs installed in wrong position. Weak spring must be on bottom, strong spring on top of pump beneath keeper.
  • Left hand float level is set too low, hence fuel level is insufficient. If fuel does not stand above bottom of slot in side of pump cylinder, pump won’t draw fuel into the cylinder on the intake stroke.

I’ll bet that the problem is one of those above, if not some combination of thereof.

The AFB pump link, links the pump lever to the accelerator pump. When you look at the link installed from the front of the carburetor, it should look like a ‘S’.

Carter Accelerator Pump

If you need a new pump link, purchase it here.

Carter AFB Pump Link
Pump Link


Some AFB carburetor have the check ball located on the bottom of the throttle body.

Pump intake check ball , seat and screw plug are removed by inverting carburetor and removing from lower side of flange.

Carter AFB Check Ball

Carter AFB Carburetor Parts
Updated on 04/27/2022

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