1 Body Assembly
37 Seat Power Adjusting Needle
2 Lever Assy Throttle
38 Needle Idle Adjusting
3 Throttle Shaft, Stop, & Lever Assy
39 Needle Assy Power Adjusting
4 Valve Throttle
40 Needle Assy Power Adjusting
5 Screw Clamp, Choke Lever 10-24 x 5/8
41 Packing Throttle Shaft
6 Screw Throttle Stop 8-32 x 3/4
42 Packing Choke Shaft
7 Screw Idle Drilling
43 Venturi
8 Screw Shoke Bracket 8-32 x 5/16
44 Nozzle Main
9 Screw Choke Swivel 8-32 x 5/16
45 Jet Idle
10 Screw Drive Float Bracket
46 Jet Economizer
11 Screw Drive, Name Plate
47 Jet Power
12 Screw Drill Plug Nozzle Hole 8-32
48 Cup Throttle Shaft
13 Screw & Lock Washer Assy Throttle Valve 6-32 1/4 & 4-40 x 1/4
49 Retainer Throttle Shaft Packing
14 Screw & Lock Washer Assy Choke Valve 6-32 1/4 & 4-40 x 1/4
50 Retainer Choke Shaft Packing
15 Screw & Lock Washer Assy Governor Lever Clamp 12-24 x 5/8
51 Bushing Governor Lever
16 Screw & Lock Washer Assy Throttle Body to Bowl 12-24 x 5/8 & 12-24 x 3/4
52 Bushing Throttle Shaft
17 Screw & Lock Washer Assy Choke Bracket to Body 8-32 x 3/8
53 Pin Throttle Stop
18 Gasket Float Valve Seat
54 Pin Choke Stop
19 Gasket Throttle Body to Bowl
55 Plate Numbering
20 Gasket Main Nozzle
56 Fitting & Strainer Assy Fuel Inlet
21 Gasket Power Adjusting Needle
57 Elbow Street Bowl Drain 1/8 NPT
22 Spring Choke Return
58 Washer Flat Power Adjusting Needle
23 Spring Throttle Stop Screw
59 Plug Idle Drilling
24 Spring Governor Lever Tension
60 Pin Cotter Governor Spring Tension
25 Spring Choke Valve Flapper
61 Cotter Hairpin (Choke Swivel)
26 Spring Idle Needle
62 Cock Drain
27 Spring Power Adjusting Needle
63 Stainer Fuel Drain
28 Lever Assy Choke
64 Strainer Bowl Drain
29 Shaft Choke
65 Plug Bowl Drain
30 Valve Assy Choke
66 Bracket Float
31 Swivel Choke Lever
67 Lever Assy Governor
32 Clip Choke Bracket
68 Plug Expansion Bowl Drain
33 Bracket Choke
69 Ball Numbering Plate
34 Bracket Assy Choke
70 Throttle Body & Shaft Assy
35 Float & Level Assy
71 Valve & Seat Assy Float
36 Shaft Float Level